Bargaining Update, September 20, 2017


No formal contract negotiations have taken place, though each day there has been communication (text and telephone) between the parties. We have found no common ground on the major issues at this time. Mike Van Boekel and Dan Borthwick met with our Unifor National representatives to review the outstanding bargaining items. At this meeting we did some brainstorming and discussed strategies. Unifor National has committed their support with any resources required during our strike.

The Master Bargaining Committee convened on Wednesday. We have decided to formally reach out to the company with the intention of continuing to negotiate toward a new Collective Agreement.

We will remain strong on the membership’s three major issues; job security, economics, and contract language.

We would like to thank the community, labour groups, other Unifor Locals, affiliate Union’s and most importantly our Local 88 Membership for their unwavering support through this process.