Keep armoured car drivers as safe as the cargo they protect
Public safety, and the safety of armoured car employees, is increasingly jeopardized by the lack of comprehensive industry regulation.
New entrants to the industry and established firms are engaging in heightened price competition on the basis of lowered security standards, resulting in a higher risk of gun crime through armed robbery and providing easier targets for organized crime.
Since 2000, there have been more than 85 attacks on armoured cars nationwide. In the past 4 years alone there have been 14 publicly-reported robberies resulting in multiple injuries and fatalities.
Safety standards and regulations for the armoured car sector in Canada have fallen behind other jurisdictions around the world. The patchwork of current rules is ineffective, over-lapping and at times contradictory. It has resulted in minimal regulation.
Unifor has launched a national campaign calling on federal lawmakers to develop a comprehensive regulatory framework - to enhance safety and prevent crime by establishing minimum standards in employee training, vehicle specifications, crew complements and safety equipment requirements.
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Our Policy Proposal
Read Armed and Safe: Enhancing public safety and preventing crime through better regulation of Canada's armoured car industry:
Armed and Safe (PDF)
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