Union and employer heading back to the table



I’m writing to update on the first day of our unit’s first strike.

Job action is a difficult decision, and is always a last resort, but you have shown solidarity and dedication to our collective fight for a fair contract.

Before the legal strike began at 12:01 am Tuesday morning, your bargaining committee passed the employer a list of requirements that could have been met to avert the strike. The employer did not provide an offer to address those issues before our deadline.

This afternoon, we invited the employer back to the bargaining table for talks beginning Wednesday, January 22 at 11:00 am, with a request that Karen Redmen, Waterloo Regional Chair and Mike Murray, Waterloo Regional Chief Administrative Officer be present.

The employer agreed to meet with the union at that time, but declined the request to have those key decision-makers present. While we are concerned that the absence of these players may delay a speedy resolution, your bargaining committee agreed to the meeting with the full intention of reaching a fair collective agreement.  

As we look to our second day on the picket lines, I want to thank you for your solidarity and dedication to improving the working conditions of all GRT workers.

We will continue to push the employer to address driver safety, unjust and heavy-handed discipline, and the unfettered use of video-surveillance. Our collective goal is to reach a fair collective agreement that will make our jobs safer, less stressful and that will improve our transit system for everyone.

Your bargaining committee will continue to update on the status of negotiations.

In solidarity,

Tim Jewell

President, Unifor Local 4304