Unifor delegates meet at 3rd Prairie Regional Council


Unifor members from the three Prairie provinces gathered in Regina on April 30-May 2 at the union’s third regional council meeting.

Following an inspiring welcome to Treaty 4 from Elder Mike Pinay, Unifor Western Director Joie Warnock gave her report on the numerous activities of Prairie locals during the past 12 months.

Warnock focused on the role of western activists in defeating Harper and the new challenges presented by Premiers Wall and Pallister. She said that Unifor needs to support and encourage the emerging generation of Aboriginal activists, including veteran Manitoba MLA Kevin Chief and new MLAs Nahanni Fontaine, Wab Kinew, and Amanda Lathlin.

“Now is the time for Canadians to act to end the inequality. To rise up as a society and demand an end to the racial discrimination that undermines the hopes and dreams of First Nations children,” she said.

Keynote speaker Gabrielle Scrimshaw continued on this theme with a thoughtful talk about her journey 


overcoming impossible odds coming from a reserve in Northern Saskatchewan.

Unifor delegates were also heard from economist David Thompson, who outlined concrete examples of initiatives to transition workers from one industry into another.

National President Jerry Dias motivated delegates with a speech that outlined how the labour movement is changing the national conversation about everything from sustainable development to trade to good jobs.

“Unifor is making sure that workers part of the dialogue,” said Dias. “We are changing politics in this country.”

Delegates took time during the lunch break on Sunday to visit the protest site of First Nation activists occupying property at the Regina offices of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada. After taking up a collection, PRC delegates raised enough money to buy the protestors a generator and several supplies.

Throughout the weekend delegates debated priorities for the year ahead, resolving to take action to ban asbestos, fight the Trans Pacific Partnership, and strengthen the Canada Pension Plan.

Preceding the regional council, local presidents gathered for Unifor’s first president’s meeting in the Prairies. 


