Responding to the Syrian refugee crisis


Unifor members have been deeply touched by the refugee crisis in Syria.

Unifor Social Justice Fund and the national union is partnering with a Canadian settlement organization to fund the resettlement of five Syrian families.

The Social Justice Fund is also making a donation of $160,000 to the Canadian arm of the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, to provide desperately needed support to Syrian refugees living in Jordan.

The union will work with Locals across the country to raise further funds to assist more Syrian refugees, and Unifor National President Jerry Dias is encouraging members and staff to consider donating to the UNHCR or Lifeline Syria.

“I cannot get the image of little Alan Kurdi being carried off that beach out of my mind,” Dias said at the BC Regional Council this morning, where delegates gave enthusiastic support for the initiative.

The union is also joining the chorus of voices calling on the government to take immediate action to receive Syrian refugees.

“We urgently need to reform our immigration system so that is effective, efficient and consistent with Canadian values,” said Dias said.

“This current crisis is the latest indicator of how far astray we have gone from making a meaningful international contribution to refugee settlement.”