Media Advisory - Rally to support workers locked out 597 days


August 3, 2018

GANDER - Members of Unifor Local 597 will mark the 597th day since their American-based employer locked them out, with a community barbecue in Gander.

“If this province had stronger labour laws, D-J Composites would never get away with its shameful union busting and would have to instead negotiate fairly,” said Lana Payne, Atlantic Regional Director.

Just days before Christmas in 2016, Kansas State based company, D-J Composites, locked-out 31 workers at the aerospace manufacturing facility in Gander.

What:    Rally and Community Barbecue for locked out workers

When:   Tuesday, August 7, 2018 at 12:00 p.m. (NST)

Where:  Gander Town Square, 72 Elizabeth Dr, Gander, NL A1V1J8

Who:     Speakers include Iggy Oram, unit chair and spokesperson for locked out workers

              Keith Sullivan, President, FFAW Unifor,

              Ian Hutchison, Unifor’s Atlantic Council Chair

              Gerry Rogers, NDP Leader

Locked out members will be joined by their sisters and brothers from FFAW Unifor and other union supporters at a barbecue and rally. D-J Composite was found in violation of provincial labour laws twice with no consequences.

Mediation ordered by the Newfoundland Minister of Labour even failed to get the company to budge on its unreasonable demands, which include gutting seniority provisions, and arbitrary merit pay.

For more information, or to arrange interviews in advance of the rally, please contact Unifor Director of Communication Natalie Clancy @email or (902) 478-9283 (cell)