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Unifor leadership available to comment on election results

TORONTO, June 10, 2014 /CNW/ - Unifor's national and Ontario leaders will be available Thursday night and Friday to comment on the results of Thursday's Ontario election.

"This is a critical election for Ontario's future, and voters have clear choices before them about the kind of province they want," said Unifor National President Jerry Dias

Unifor condemns Cascade Aerospace for using replacement workers during strike

ABBOTSFORD, BC, June 9, 2014 /CNW/ - Instead of using replacement workers, Unifor is calling on Cascade Aerospace to get back to the bargaining table to negotiate job security for the more than 400 workers on strike. Contrary to the company's claims, back-up labourers have been shipped in to do the work of striking technicians and engineers.

New Resolute collective agreements covering 2,000 workers

With new collective agreements covering 2,000 workers at Resolute Forestry Products' 11 locations across Ontario and Quebec - a deal that will set the pattern for negotiations with 8,000 other workers east of the Manitoba border - this vital industry is on a renewed footing and ready for a long-overdue national dialogue on the future of forestry.

Media union breaks silence on election

Don't vote for Hudak and his PCs, Unifor Local 87-M tells members

TORONTO, June 9, 2014 /CNW/ - The union representing journalists and other media workers across Ontario is asking its 2,600 members not to vote for Tim Hudak and his Progressive Conservative Party in Thursday's provincial election.

Unifor defends seniors' pensions at committee hearing

EDMONTON, June 5, 2014 /CNW/ - Unifor will advise the government to shelve Bills 9 and 10 during testimony to the Standing Committee on Alberta's Economic Future this afternoon.

"Bills 9 and 10 are a serious blow to the dignity and independence of Alberta's seniors," said Joie Warnock, Unifor's Western Director. "This legislation is a crass attempt to have companies profit from taking seniors' retirement income."

/R E P E A T -- Media Advisory - Over 400 Cascade Aerospace workers set to begin job action tomorrow morning/

ABBOTSFORD, BC, June 3, 2014 /CNW/ - More than 400 skilled workers at Cascade Aerospace are set to begin legal strike action at 11 a.m on Wednesday, June 4.

"We have been at the bargaining table for months, with the goal of finding a deal that is fair for all parties, but we have no intention of accepting concessions from a company as profitable as Cascade," said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor's BC area director.

Media Advisory - Over 400 Cascade Aerospace workers set to begin job action tomorrow morning

ABBOTSFORD, BC, June 3, 2014 /CNW/ - More than 400 skilled workers at Cascade Aerospace are set to begin legal strike action at 11 a.m on Wednesday, June 4.

"We have been at the bargaining table for months, with the goal of finding a deal that is fair for all parties, but we have no intention of accepting concessions from a company as profitable as Cascade," said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor's BC area director.

Unifor slams attack on labour rights by provincial PC Government

ST. JOHN'S, June 3, 2014 /CNW/ - Stealing a page straight out of the Harper government's handbook by attacking labour rights, the PC government of Newfoundland and Labrador has succumbed to the employer lobby rather than stand up for the rights of workers, says Lana Payne, Unifor Atlantic Regional Director.

Leaked Cascade Aerospace document shows company is planning to keep repairing aircraft even if skilled workers are off the job

ABBOTSFORD, BC, June 2, 2014 /CNW/ - Unifor has obtained an internal memo from Cascade Aerospace that offers proof that the company is laying the groundwork to continue operations in the event of a legal job action at its facilities in Abbotsford.

"We are very concerned that other workers are going to be rushed in to perform work normally done by our skilled engineers and technicians," said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor's BC Area Director.

Volume 2, No. 2

National Day of Mourning, Steps for Life Walk 2014, Atlantic Regional Council, Unifor Partners with Canadian Cancer Society, and more


Cascade Aerospace workers serve notice of legal job action

ABBOTSFORD, BC, May 30, 2014 /CNW/ - Unifor has served 72-hour notice of legal job action on behalf of its 440 members at Cascade Aerospace late yesterday. A strike will commence if agreement on the outstanding issues cannot be reached by Wednesday, June 4 at 11 a.m.

A strike by Unifor members at the Abbotsford plant will bring work to a halt and impact important customers and the local economy.

Job plan latest reason to defeat Hudak

If Tim Hudak is elected, Ontario will see unprecedented job cuts, healthcare cuts, education cuts and the decimation of workers’ rights.

For those who value decent jobs, good health care, strong communities and a bright, stable future for our children, the primary objective in this election must be to keep Tim Hudak from becoming premier.

That means supporting the candidate with the best chance of defeating the local Conservative candidate.

Unifor marks Paramedic Services Week with call to revive PTSD bill

TORONTO, May 29, 2014 /CNW/ - Paramedics, as emergency medical services (EMS) personnel, bring tremendous dedication, skill and commitment to their jobs as first responders, Unifor says, and during Paramedic Services Week is calling for strong legislation to help them cope with an often traumatic job.

Come build our pride float!

Unifor is getting ready to shine at World Pride this year in Toronto, celebrating the contributions...